~My whole act is confession~

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Sylviana Victor!! && Welcome to the club bebot!!

That is a great shot! (Go Syl!) I can’t read her expression. I would describe myself as sarcastic, happy, and burning. I’ve always been sarcastic; it’s a reflex. I’m happy I have so many friends on the net and around me, it’s just great. I seem to always have a burning desire in me to go forward and move up.

Name: Sylviana Victor.

Age: 18th!!!

People come into our lives for a reason. Sometimes we don't really know right away, nor do we understand. Syl has been one of the greatest friends that anyone can ask for. She is helpful, sincere, easy to talk to and listens well. It's friend's like these that are priceless. I love all my friends very much. Thanks for all you do.

Yesterday.23rd of november adalah My bff Birthday.Si Sylviana Victor.Hope you have a great birthday dudes! Enjoy your day life.I love you.Your the BEST!
love ya!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Haaaaaappy Birthday Syl!
Happy Birthday to you!

:)You deserve the best!!

Dear Lord,
Thank You for giving me such a good friend. Thanks for this friendship that You’ve given us. Thank You Lord for your unconditional love for us that we may show others what you have done in our lives. Father, I just want to pray for Sylviana, that you’ll continue to use her mightily in your kingdom, please grant her godly wisdom and enable her to do all things through You who will strengthens her. Lift her up when she’s down. Continue to guide her and protect her, give a good health and I pray she may experience financial breakthrough so that she can use it to expand your kingdom! Lord I pray you help her to make a difference in this world and she may continue to be a great testimony and a powerful servant/leader for you! In Jesus’s Name I pray, Amen.

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