~My whole act is confession~
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.
Hm.At last sa realize dat sa x spttnya sedih2 or emo2 mau fkr apa yg berlaku skrg ni.See.Tiada yg dpt change apa yg berlaku kecuali sa move along!Ok,mmg im in pain juga sikit cs,Bha! sepa yg tdk sedih kalau suda break kan???Mmg sedihlah.Tp at least sa ada kwn2 yg always there for me.Mcm syl & yapp.Bila sa kestau syl psl yg sa sedih & nangis cz baru break.Syl ckp byk lg lelaki bha di dunia ni.Yah!!1 point why sa tdk ptt mau sedih2.And yapp lg ckp biarla.Everyone did mistake.The person dat nvr did mistake is the one that nvr done anything.And yapp ckp lg biarla break.At least i knw sa let go some1 to get some1 yg lebih baik.And mesti ada hikmah kan??"Broke up is not mean u're dumped.It means he doesn't worth u & u just have a chance to find better soulmate that love u more".See byk point utk sa tdk bersedih2.Every single words yg drg bg sa mmg sa ingat slalu.And thats why im ok now.Ok,mmg sometimes sa teringat juga dia.All the memories.And sometimes bila fkr psl dia buat sa mau work hard to get dia balik.But itu just sometimes cs my fren always remind me that without him i still can live my life.Without him i can do anything i like without asking him anymore and x payah lg mau worry or takut kna mrh kha apa kha.I can go shopping.I can do what i want.I can msging whoever i want.Dress-up what i like.I can hang-out with my frens even with my boy-frens.Yah!!!Im leavin all this stupid felin.No wonder Sabah tdk pandai maju kalo setiap kali org break mesti mau sedih2 smpai keja pun mls.(Apa kena mengena??)Whatever it is.Now im happy!!!:):):)(Happy face yg banyak!!)Sa happy sa ada kawan mcm Syl & Yapp.So i think this is the time dat i shud spen more time with them and menghargai mereka as my fren:)And u my ex i wana let u knw dat im not hating u.I jus wanna thank u 4 wat u did.Cs dis makes me wanna be a better person for someone nnt.And yes i will love them wit all my heart and try to be the best girlfren.Promise.And one more thing.I will stop msging u.Or calling u.Sa x akan contact ko lg.I just dont wana work in this relation anymore.For sure mmg kdg2 x tahan juga mau cari ko tp end is end.And to let u knw.I still do love you.But kita suda break thn i think nw i shud 4get u and stop thinking about u,us.Everything.I knw im gonna lus u but yah! sa masi ada kwn2 sa and this is not the reason why i shud not be in relationship.Ok baby!Stop,stop & stop!!All i need now is my fren.Sa harap ini otak sa x lg fikir psl dia and x akan ada rasa teringin mau get back!Enuf!Ok sa rsa sa ptt stop skrg.Ohya,dis saturday p wedding.Enjoy ur weekend PutangZ!!!!!
Sayonara everyone.
Happy day!!