~My whole act is confession~

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Realize that I am taking the wrong path on life.I walk this world and know where i am physically but mentally,no.Its like I'm walking in a forest with no light and have no idea where to go.But I'm praying for the wrong things,wood,fire,water,food, but what I truly need is LIGHT.

Open up the shower curtains of life and wash off all the regret, rejections, fear,wash off all the pain.

Life is the glue that holds us together and the angry hand that rips us apart.

"Life is like a war,during the war it sucks real bad, but when the war is done you might have scars,but those scars remind you who you are and where u come from. So use those scars against all bad that comes your way.And also teach others about what you know,because they might not know what u do"

Moments come and go, but when you turn those moments into experiences,they will last a lifetime.

No matter how hard you try life keeps going.

You can open the door on life just as easy as u can close it.

When life throws a pitch you haven't ever seen don't walk off the field, stay and practice until u know how to hit it.