~My whole act is confession~

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Badjet dis month.

Waawawwawawa.This month mesti simpan money.Tp bykla mau guna money dis month.
Lebih byk dr yg sblum2nya.Wawawawa.Gila eh.
1. Bday party.
2. Byr Hp.
3. Mama.
4. Beli kasut.Gila.(PADINI SALES!!!!!) & Its my bday man.
Disct.30% with member card.Aku Member.
5. Brg2 keperluan.

CCCccccccc!!! wat i mean.Mcm mana mau simpan $$$$??
Gila owh.Trouble ni.

Almighty GOD whre r u??
Come come i need u nw.So badly.

Sa harap time bday sa,dpt hadiah 1 juta.Wahahahahaha.Sot.
Bt,seriously man.I need to jaga my kewangan dis time.
& Stop buying brg2 yg x diperlukan.Bt suma yg sa beli is PENTING!!!
How la dis??Ngo oO.
Oh my.Okok.Shit ni.